MLA Shri Prashant Thakur unveiled the name board of Jay Malhar Minidour Riksha Chalak Malak Sanghaana at uran naka panvel. Fed up with the local problems and the meagre daily earnings,the rikshaw chalaks approached Loknete Ramsheth Thakur with request to look into the problems they face everyday.Loknete Ramsheth Thakur fixed a space at Uran naka for Riksha Chalak to operate their business and guided them about their upliftment.At the time, MLA Shri Prashant Thakur urged the Riksha Chalak to help the consumers by offering good treatment tothem andalso wished for the prosperity and well being of Riksha Chalak
MLA Shri Prashant Thakur unveiled the name board of Jay Malhar Minidour Riksha Chalak Malak Sanghaana at uran naka panvel. Fed up with the local problems and the meagre daily earnings,the rikshaw chalaks approached Loknete Ramsheth Thakur with request to look into the problems they face everyday.Loknete Ramsheth Thakur fixed a space at Uran naka for Riksha Chalak to operate their business and guided them about their upliftment.At the time, MLA Shri Prashant Thakur urged the Riksha Chalak to help the consumers by offering good treatment tothem andalso wished for the prosperity and well being of Riksha Chalak