organised by Ramshet Thakur Samajik vikas mandal on the eve of his 65rh birthday anniversary between 2nd to 10 June 2016. Loknete R.T.inaugurated ‘R.T.Gold Trophy’ Table Tennis competition at International Sports complex at Ulwe organised by Raigad Tennis Association n R.T.Samajik Vikas Mandal on the eve of his 65th birth anniversary
organised by Ramshet Thakur Samajik vikas mandal on the eve of his 65rh birthday anniversary between 2nd to 10 June 2016.
Loknete Ramshet Thakur inaugurated ‘Ramshet Thakur Gold Trophy’ Table Tennis competition at International Sports complex at Ulwe organised by Raigad Tennis Association n Ramshet Thakur Samajik Vikas Mandal on the eve of his 65th birth anniversary