Maratha Kranti Morcha organised Statewide agitation to secure reservation for Maratha community. State Govt. should maje efforts in getting the community constitutional protection. Extended full support to the agitation undertaken by the Kranti Morcha and assured follow up with the Govt. 

[:en]Maratha Kranti Morcha organised Statewide agitation to secure reservation for Maratha community. State Govt. should maje efforts in getting the community constitutional protection. Extended full support to the agitation undertaken by the Kranti Morcha and assured follow up with the Govt. [:hi]मराठा समाजाला आरक्षण मिळावे यासाठी मराठा क्रांती मोर्चाच्यावतीने राज्यभरातील आंदोलन पुकारण्यात आले. मराठा समाजाला घटनात्मक संरक्षण मिळाले पाहिजे, यासाठी राज्य सरकारने प्रयत्न करणे गरजेचे असून मराठा समाजाच्या चळवळीला आपला जाहीर पाठिंबा असल्याचे जाहीर केले व मराठा आरक्षणासंदर्भात शासनदरबारी पाठपुरावा करण्याची ग्वाही दिली.[:] 1

Maratha Kranti Morcha organised Statewide agitation to secure reservation for Maratha community. State Govt. should maje efforts in getting the community constitutional protection. Extended full support to the agitation undertaken by the Kranti Morcha and assured follow up with the Govt.